Book of the Month for June 2024

Behind every thriving school or district are deeply interconnected teams that consistently engage in a reciprocal transfer of learning. Leading With Intention aims to make this process visible by helping leaders and teachers understand how their thinking impacts their decision-making and the overall well-being of their learning communities. Through five highly practical chapters, authors DeWitt and Nelson explore self-awareness, nurturing human interconnectedness, collective inquiry, establishing a learning network, and crafting a personal learning environment.

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Previous Reads

June 2024

Leading With Intention: How School Leaders Can Unlock Deeper Collaboration and Drive Results

by - Peter M. DeWitt, Michael Nelson

This book is focused on how educators think, the choices they make, and how they develop deeper academic and social-emotional connections.

May 2024

Leading Learning and Teaching

by - Stephen Dinham

Leading Learning and Teaching is a thorough, comprehensive sourcebook on school improvement and best-practice leadership, including extensive references, case studies and evidence to back up arguments.

April 2024

Culture Rules: Creating Schools Where Children Want to Learn and Adults Want to Work

by - Jo Facer

School culture is unarguably central to a school’s success or failure. While there is no single "correct" school culture, there are lessons to be learned. Culture Rules examines the factors that create an environment where students want to learn, and adults want to teach.